The Journey of a Woman of Color in Tech: Challenges and Triumphs

Information Systems, Web Development, and Design Professional


As an African American woman in the tech industry, my journey has been one of resilience, determination, and continuous growth. Navigating a field that has historically lacked diversity has presented numerous challenges, but it has also brought significant triumphs that have shaped my career and identity as a web developer.

Starting Out: Breaking Into Tech

Entering the tech industry was not straightforward. I faced skepticism and biases from those who doubted my capabilities based on my gender and race. Finding mentors who looked like me or understood my experiences was a struggle during my early years. I was often the only woman of color in the room, which could be isolating and intimidating.

Despite these hurdles, I was determined to succeed. I immersed myself in coding, spent countless hours learning new programming languages, and worked on personal projects to build a strong portfolio. Joining online communities and attending tech meetups helped me connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals.

Overcoming Challenges: Resilience and Adaptability

One of the significant challenges I faced was overcoming the stereotypes and biases that often accompany being a woman of color in tech. I had to continuously prove my competence and value, sometimes working twice as hard to gain the same recognition as my peers. Microaggressions and instances of implicit bias were common, but I learned to address them professionally and assertively.

Another challenge was balancing my personal life with my demanding career. The tech industry is known for its fast-paced environment, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance was essential to prevent burnout. I developed strong time management skills and set boundaries to ensure I could perform at my best without sacrificing my well-being.

Milestones Achieved: Celebrating Triumphs

Despite the challenges, my journey has been marked by several significant milestones I proudly celebrate. One of my earliest triumphs was landing my first major client as a freelance web developer, Manny Cantor. This project validated my skills and opened doors to more opportunities and collaborations.

Another milestone was being recognized by my peers and industry leaders for my contributions to web development. Being invited to speak at conferences and events allowed me to share my knowledge and inspire others, particularly young women of color aspiring to enter tech.

My most fulfilling achievement has been building a successful web development business. As a woman of color-owned small business, my company, IG Web Development, stands as a testament to the potential and capabilities of diverse professionals in tech. Specializing in creating custom WordPress sites at reasonable rates, I have helped many small businesses enhance their online presence and achieve their digital goals.

Running IG Web Development: Empowering Small Businesses

Running my own business, IG Web Development, has allowed me to leverage my web development and design skills to create customized, 508-compliant websites for a diverse clientele. From security and recovery to strategic marketing, my expertise has helped many businesses enhance their online presence and achieve digital goals.

By offering reasonable rates for custom WordPress sites, I aim to make professional web development accessible to small businesses and entrepreneurs who may not have large budgets but still require high-quality, functional websites. My services cover everything from initial conceptualization to final deployment, ensuring that each website is tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients.

Looking Ahead: Inspiring the Next Generation

Reflecting on my journey, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and a deep commitment to paving the way for the next generation of women of color in tech. It is crucial to continue advocating for diversity and inclusion, ensuring that future tech professionals can thrive in an environment that values and celebrates their unique perspectives.

My message to aspiring web developers and tech enthusiasts is clear: embrace your identity, leverage your strengths, and never let challenges deter you from pursuing your dreams. The tech industry is vast and ever-evolving, and there is a place for each of us to make a meaningful impact.


In conclusion, my journey as a woman of color in tech has been a blend of challenges and triumphs, each contributing to my growth and success. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to embark on their paths with confidence and determination, knowing that their contributions are invaluable and their presence essential in shaping the future of technology.


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